Unknown interesting facts of Bhutan

A .Simplicity of the King of Bhutan
Isn’t it a very lovely story?
Bhutan, BMW, Kuwait.

“State of Kuwait was one of the first three countries to establish diplomatic relations with Bhutan back in 1983 and it provided huge financial support for Bhutan’s development in the form of loans and grants.
Fast forward 7 years, Kuwait was invaded by Iraqi forces in 1990 and the Gulf War followed. By the end of the war, most of the government buildings in Kuwait were destroyed and official records burnt down. The Emir of Kuwait was now clueless about his financial transactions – loans, grants, charity – as all the records turned into ashes. He requested the government’s world over to provide whatever data they had about Kuwait’s financial transactions with them.

But will a person who owes you money remind you that he has taken money from you?

Four weeks later, they received a trunk full of documents. It was the FIRST set of documents provided by any foreign government upon Kuwait’s request. The Emir was surprised to know that it came from Bhutan – one of the poorest nations of the world at that time. The trunk came with a note of apology from the Bhutanese King – ‘apology for the delay in providing the requested documents as they had to import photocopiers from India’.

The Emir, Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmad al-Sabah, was so touched by the honesty and humbleness of the King of Bhutan that he sent him a BMW car as a gift. The King of Bhutan, being the simple man he is, decided not to use the car for himself and gave it to the Bhutanese diplomatic mission in India and reverted to the Emir of Kuwait with a note of thanks. As a token of love and respect, he also sent a handcrafted wooden table with Emir’s name engraved on it.

Emir of Kuwait had been receiving expensive gifts and souvenir from many state heads but this was for the first time that he got such a simple gift – so simple yet so special. He was deeply impressed by the simplicity of the King of Bhutan.
But the story is not over yet. Now Emir being Emir, sent a fleet of 5 BMWs as a return gift to the King of Bhutan.
Yes. 5 brand new BMWs.
2 of these were given to foreign diplomatic missions of Bhutan.  
2 were reserved for visiting foreign dignitaries.
And 1 was given to the office of BBS (Bhutan Broadcasting Service).

Courtesy:Ruchir Shukla

B. Highest Unclimbed Mountain

Four attempts have been made to scale Mount GangkharPhuensum but none have succeeded. In 1986, the last attempt was made. The following year on the request of Bhutanese living in highland, the National Assembly during its 65thSession imposed a total ban on mountaineering. Today at 7570m/24,981ft, GangkharPhuensum is the world highest Unclimbed Mountain. Bhutan also has the unique distinction of being one of the few countries in the world that enforces total ban on mountaineering.

Courtesy: TsheringTashi

C. No Traffic Light in Bhutan

Bhutan is the only country in the world without traffic light. It happen back in 1990s the first traffic light was installed in the capital city , but most of the local drivers were  used to traffic Policeman directing their way, a series of accident occurred couple of times whereby switching back to traffic Policeman was must. Still today the most populated cities of the country have no traffic light.


D. GNH(Gross National Happiness

In 1980s when the 4th King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuk was visiting India, he was asked by a Journalist at the Mumbai airport about his country’s GDP, he answered ‘’ Gross National Happiness is more  important than Gross Domestic Product’’. Since then GNH came into spot light, and instituted as the goal of government in the constitution of the country.

GNH is supported by four pillars and they are:-
 a. Good Governance,
b. Conservation of environment,
c. Preservation and promotion of culture and
d. Economy sustainability.
GNH concept has been adapted by many countries at community level in some cities of Brazil, USA, and Canada and at a government level of Thailand and Philippines.

The UN General Assembly urge the member nation to follow the example of Bhutan and measure the happiness and well being and calling happiness a fundamental right of the human being  in 2011 by passing a resolution 65/309, “Happiness: towards a holistic approach to development”

‘Gross National happiness is simply a development with values.’ – 5th King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk.

E. Remain Carbon Neutral
72% of the country’s land is covered under a forest, a home for 782 species of bird, 48 species of Rhododendrons, Takin, Blue sheep, Himalayan Black bear, Wild Guar, Musk  deer and multiple endangered and extinct species including Snow leopard, Golden Langur, Bengal Tiger, Black Necked Crane and many more.
Bhutan produces 2.2millions tons of carbon dioxide annually and its forest sequester more than 3times of carbon dioxide generated, making it only Carbon negative country.

Article 5:- Constitution of Kingdom of Bhutan
‘’The Government shall ensure that, in order to conserve the country’s natural resources  and to prevent degradation of ecosystem, a minimum of 60% of Bhutan’s land shall be maintained under forest cover for all time,’’

F. No McDonalds, Star Bucks, KFC, Burger King,

Bhutan capital city Thimphu does have variety of local restaurant and food vendor but neither McDonalds nor star buck or any of the multinational Fast food chain restaurants are not one of them. Yes, probably Bhutan will be the second country after North Korea where you cannot find any of these fast food restaurants.

G. No chillies No Taste
Even though the spice are the part of many different cuisines around the world, there will be no Bhutanese dish without a chillies in it. Local loves chillies in their food, veg or non veg, chillie is a part of it every single time. Surprisingly the famous dish of Bhutan is “EMA  DATSE’’ literally means  Chillie Cheese.